Guest Post by Tina Olivero
Employee-preneurs are a new breed of worker that will excel above all others in the 21st Century. This era of recession, plummeting profits and stressful business conditions is creating an exciting new breed of people – employee-preneurs.
What would happen if every person in your organization adopted an entrepreneurial mindset, whereby it was a daily practice to think creatively and have an attitude of “everything is possible”?
The employee-preneur mindset is one where people take responsibility for where they are and how to make things better. They look around the landscape of the company and find a way to serve their managers, to serve their clients above and beyond the call of duty, and to serve their team members, by being open, communicative, happy, peaceful and productive supporters. Who do you think the boss is going to promote, the one who is creating stress or the one who is relieving stress and making things happen with great results?
The employee-preneur is the one who’s first to the meeting, excited about new plans, is open to new ideas, is willing and able to adapt. Employee-preneurs realize that working on themselves is the primary most important trait in succeeding at work. They take responsibility for being healthy and energetic; they have foresight and realize the impact they have on others. Imagine your organization where every person realized the impact they had on others with their actions or lack of actions. Now that’s powerful. Employee-preneurs are people that we LOVE being around because they touch, move and inspire us. They understand our world and support us in our work lives. Employee-preneurs adopt a way of being understanding, being compassionate and raising their value within the organization, by every step they take. They continuously keep commitments, keep their word and follow through instilling trust and appreciation with others.
The Law of SUCCESS is the foundation of the employee-preneur! Employee-preneurs realize that they are responsible for not only their “job description,” but also for the entire company’s success and when one person is struggling or failing – the entire operation is at risk. Employee-entrepreneurs do whatever it takes to create employee-preneurs in the entire team.
Take a good look around and ask yourself, who do I really want to be? The old employee or the new employee-preneur? Old ways of working 9:00-5:00 are passé. The employee-preneur realizes that work is a self-expression, and therefore, they stress less and produce more, because their focus and intention is to seek strategies for success – even in their sleep. They focus, and remain focused, until outcomes are achieved, profitability is available, and the company provides an entire culture of leadership at the level of every individual. Employee-preneurs are super wow, so BE SUPER WOW!