Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wear Beauty With A Smile :))

We've all seen it.  The beautiful woman with the ugliest attitude!  It's like a rotting fruit...  Don't let it happen to you!  Slap a smile on your face even when you don't fell like it and before you know it, you won't be able to stop smiling because you'll be feeling so good!  :))



This is what I posted on my Avon Website earlier today.  Thought I'd share....   :))


Be all that you can BE!  Never limit yourself.   There is no one in the world that can hold you back from what you want in life but you.   Know that! And continue on until you see the fruits of your labor.  Block out whatever negative thoughts come to mind or whatever negative situations that occur to get you off course.   Move right along... You don't have time to sit in anger, hate, regret or depression for any amount of time; even a split second.   There is life to live and life to live in abundance! Keep moving along in Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Something must manifest from your actions.  What manifests is up to you! Make it a beautiful day. 

Avon Lady Mo' :)) Xoxo

How To Activate Your Follow Button On FACEBOOK in 2022!

If you are using Facebook for business then you definitely want to have your Follow Button activated.  It's an easy way for others to f...