Need A Social Media Marketing Plan?
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Download My Free DMO (Daily Method Of Operartion Here)
Monique Marie Bradford ~The WifeyMommyPreneur
Need A Social Media Marketing Plan? Download My Free DMO (Daily Method Of Operartion Here
Let's break down the saying first... if 80 percent of success is "showing up" or "spiritual", then what makes up the other 20 percent? Well... it's the techy stuff, the know how, the knowledge, the skillset. So yes. You have to know what it is that you're doing and you do have to have some level of skill and knowledge of the business that you're in. That's pretty common sense right?
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Monique Marie Bradford ~The WifeyMommyPreneur
Need A Social Media Marketing Plan? Download My Free DMO (Daily Method Of Operartion Here
If you are using Facebook for business then you definitely want to have your Follow Button activated. It's an easy way for others to f...