Oh my gosh! I have been running my mouth like a crazy person lately! And not everything coming out of it has been so nice. Since when did I start talking about what I think is wrong with other people!? I used to be quick to say, "I don't care what such and such is doing, I'm too worried about what I'm doing!"
Lately I've jumped on the gossip bandwagon and have been doing a bit of backbiting and I feel awful!
There was a time when I wouldn't dare bring light to my wrongs and I now feel the need to blog about them to the whole world. Go figure...
If you never admit you have a problem, you'll never be able to fix it, right? :))
What is the definition of a backbiter? Here is what is says on thefreedictionary.com
v. back·bit, back·bit·ten, back·bit·ing, back·bites
To speak spitefully or slanderously about (another).
To speak spitefully or slanderously about a person.
verb (used with object)
to attack the character or reputation of (a person who is not present).
verb (used without object)
to speak unfavorably or slanderously of a person who is not present.
Terrible right? Yeah, I think so too. I can't believe I've started doing this! I'm sure none of you have this problem and would never talk about anyone behind their back ;) Right? Right.... :))
I don't know about you, but at the end of the day I'm not proud of some of the things I've said about other people behind their backs. And being someone that others often look up to, am I really setting a good example?
It takes courage and self-control to hold your tongue and not say anything if you don't have something good to say about a person. Especially if you are in a group and they are all talking trash about other people too!
But like the old school moms said, "If someone else jumps off of a bridge, does that mean you're gonna jump off too?" No! So why add your own can of junk to the trash talking?
I aim to be EXCELLENT in all of my ways, so this backbiting has got to stop! Plus I know that you reap what you sow and I am not trying to have people do the same thing to me!
The bible has a lot to say about backbiting. I don't want to bombard you, but check this out....
Need I say anything more? I think not. Only that I need to get back to where I used to be and not take part in speaking ill of others. Really... what good will it do me or anyone else for that matter?
Keep me in your prayers all... as I do you. :))
Peace and blessings to you and yours,
P.S. Here are some really great quotes I found about speaking :))
To speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks. ~Ben Jonson
If you wouldn't write it and sign it, don't say it. ~Earl Wilson
Two monologues do not make a dialogue. ~Jeff Daly
Of those who say nothing, few are silent. ~Thomas Neiel
The older I grow the more I listen to people who don't talk much. ~Germain G. Glien
Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of a witness. ~Margaret Millar
To be able to ask a question clearly is two-thirds of the way to getting it answered. ~John Ruskin
There is no such thing as conversation. It is an illusion. There are intersecting monologues, that is all. ~Rebecca West (Cicily Maxwell Andrews), "The Harsh Voice," There Is No Conversation, 1935
By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~Winston Churchill
The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid. ~Author Unknown
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