Monday, July 11, 2011

Relationship Advice: Stop Listening To Your Girlfriends!

Okay ladies!  We've all been guilty of it....  Talking about our relationship problems with our girlfriends!  Does it help?  Well, it can if you're talking to a woman that has a man and is in a healthy solid relationship...  She's most likely to give you some advice that will actually help.  And it'll probably sound a little something like this: "Well you know he may just be under a lot of pressure right now, give him some time to cool off and I'm sure he'll come around.  Just keep going on about your business and stay in prayer.  You guys are made for each other."  Or....  You can have a chat with your girlfriend that is STILL trying to get a man and is bitter about all of her failed relationships.  That conversation will probably go a little something like this: "Ugh uh girl!  No he didn't!  If I were you I would go off on him girl!  You need to let him know how you feel!  See, that's why I hate men!"  Okay, she might not say she hates men... but you know what I'm talking about....

Now, why do you think the first woman you talked to has such a healthy relationship and the second woman just can't seem to keep a man?  Woman number 1 seems to know something about men that woman number 2 has no clue about!  Men are not bad!  I just think that they can be completely mis-understood.  I'm sure alot of my male readers would agree.  :)

I was just reading an article written by Bob Grant, Licensed Professional Counselor, relationship coach for 16 years and author of "The Woman Men Adore...And Never Want To Leave".  The article is called "How to captivate a man, Make him fall in love with you-- And give you the world."  It is so good!  One part really stood out to me...

Excerpt: "Why Do Most Women Struggle in Their Relationships with Men?

There are many reasons why women have relationship challenges, but as I mentioned before, the main reason is that women simply don't understand men.  If a woman really understood men, she'd know how to effortlessly attract men like a magnet, make men powerless in her hands, have them treat her like a queen, and give her everything her heart desires.

The main obstacle women face in their effort to understand men is that they turn to all the wrong things:  They seek advice from their girlfriends, who are just as clueless as they are in figuring men out; and they read dime-store relationship advice from women's magazines.
If you're like most women, you probably love talking to your girlfriends about your relationship troubles, and -- yikes! -- asking them for relationship advice.  Unless your girlfriend happens to be a professional relationship advisor, who has counseled many couples towards successful relationships --and unless she herself has a successful relationship with a man (very important!) -- it's unwise to take relationship advice from your girlfriend (or your mother, sister, cousin or aunt, for that matter).

By all means, seek the listening ear of a girlfriend if you simply want to unburden -- and if talking to your girlfriend makes you feel better.  But always remember that talking to your girlfriends (as depicted accurately in the once-popular Sex and the City TV series), fosters deeper and better friendships with your girlfriends -- but does nothing to improve your relationships with men.

Now, don't get me wrong.  Some of your girlfriends might indeed have the wisdom to give you good advice  -- but that advice will almost always be based only on their own limited experience and observation.  Just because your girlfriend has had an experience similar to yours doesn't mean her advice applies to your situation."

Now, after 8 years of marriage, I'd have to agree with Bob on that one!  What do you think? Is it a good idea for a woman to take relationship advice from her girlfriends?  Feel free to leave me a comment!  :)

You can read Bob's entire article and buy his book,  "The Woman Men Adore...And Never Want To Leave"  HERE!

Wishing you success in Life and Love,
Monique Bradford ~The WifeyMommyPreneur


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